The art of bonsai has a few Japanese and Chinese culture for hundreds of years. Over the past five decades in the United States and more popular. It takes a long time to grow a bonsai tree, although they are very small. The project needs care and patience, and some artistic ability. The bonsai with its container must be mixed to create a visual portrait of a mature tree.
Overall, bonsai is a sturdy tree, forced to grow up in a smallPlate. Some tropical plants such as pomegranates have been used successfully cited as a bonsai. Trees and plants are used with small leaves, or leaves to look out of proportion. Were exceptional bonsai zeikova, ginkgo and some cake, and maple. Plants that are considered unattractive in other situations, such as the drift runty twisted and gnarled branches or plant would be good candidates for bonsai. You can buy these plants in a nursery, or go hunting in the woodsthem.
The bonsai pot is part of the project. It may be smaller than 2 inches wide, or as large as 25 inches. Some are of clay, and some are glazed. You must have drainage holes.
The soil for bonsai should be able to retain moisture. Most people start with a thick layer of earth on the bottom and add a fine top soil rich in humus. Normally, plants such as moss or distribution is helxine Soleirolia the top of the soil, or even place small stones.
The root ballthe little tree must be completely clean of soil and the roots cut drastically. This keeps the plant dwarf. Cut the top of the tree with the roots of balance and put it in the pan, packing the soil firmly around the roots and the tree. To acclimate the tree, you should be well watered and in partial shade for a few weeks. Then it can be moved to full sun. If your bonsai to begin in the spring, it will be more successful, because the light is more gradual.
AsThe plant grows well yo need to re pot once a year. But do not worry about how its not something that requires you to work 10 hours on a bench!
Creating a bonsai is an artistic attempt, there is nobody like him. Cutting tools, new growth, the balance correct that it will take to achieve by trial and error and a good eye for lines. You can force to bend the system, or by selecting it with twisted wires and pull the branches down.
If youfascinated by the idea of creating a bonsai, you will find that it is quite easy to do. The tradition has a certain air of mysticism, but the process is not difficult, it just takes time and patience.